
unconscious mutterings 287

I managed to burn the back of my hand on the warmer oven at the Seven Day Supermarket yesterday, but thankfully it doesn't hurt... and this morning when I went for my walk there was frost all over the place (not surprising since I was leaving the house around the same time the temperature was half a degree)... so, you know, it's all about the extremes of hot and cold...

Which somehow leads us to Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Memory :: Cats (which is just tragic)
  2. Original :: Flavour
  3. Exclusively :: Mine
  4. Listings :: House
  5. Bucket :: Spade
  6. Knight :: Dark
  7. Dusty :: Springfield
  8. Choice :: Magazine
  9. Sunlight :: Rays
  10. Change of plans :: Cancel
Current Mood:

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