After the usual Supermarket Adventures and Ritual Unpacking (I totally have to go through all my cupboards now that I have free time and work out what the hell I actually have and use some stuff up... I'm sure I have enough bits and pieces in there to feed the proverbial five thousand, I just don't know what I have) and sticking an old fashioned "comfort food" rice pudding in the oven (which I'm enjoying as we speak... mmmm ricey) to use up some leftover milk we headed into the city in search of our appropriate prey.
Actually only my efforts were a search... Ma knew what she wanted and got it first try... me, I had to search in about five or six stores before I could find it.
Last Tuesday I flicked on the First Tuesday Book Club, and one of the books they were reviewing was Peter Pan. They all spoke about it with such love and in such glowing terms that I just had to go out and get it. Unfortunately I didn't factor in that any number of other people probably watch the show as well and a large number of them all went out and bought it too... it just seemed that NOBODY had it! Borders should have had one on the shelf, but the funky girly and I couldn't find it... the woman at Dymocks knew they were out because of the teevee show, and the other couple of places that we checked either didn't stock it or didn't have it.
I ended up getting it from the ABC Shop of all places. Ma didn't think that they would have it, and initially I couldn't find it, but we asked the nice girly in the store and she pointed us in the direction of a stand where they put the books featured on the show. Woohoo!
Not the same cover as the one they had, but it was fairly cheap so I no complain!
Now I just need to get around to finishing the Discworld books so I can finally start to read all these other things...
And that's about it for today really... not a whole lot going on...
Current Mood:

I read Peter Pan at school. I'm sure it;s on of those children's books like the CS Lewis ones which have more adult stuff in them than you realise as a child!
Quite probably... but then I've only ever read one of the Narnia books up until now (I did buy the big fat combined novel the other week and it's gone to the abyss of "For Christmas")... I'll let you know once I've read them all!
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