
photo friday: r

rToday's Photo Friday is brought to you by the letter R and the number 18...

Oh, hang on... I did the Sesame Street joke recently didn't I... oh well, never mind...

This just seemed to spontaneously appear on a wall at the back of some stores around the corner from me... Not sure it it's just a random occurrence or if there has been a spate of alphabet related graffiti of late, but it certainly caught my eye. I even went back to photograph it after my walk yesterday, just in case it disappeared overnight.

Speaking of my walk... it's been... interesting...

My body have very much been reminding me that not only did I not do it for quite a long while, but when I originally started, I started on a smaller area and have eventually worked all the way up to this walk (also, it's bloody freezing out there in the mornings). Let's just say that my calves and my upper thighs have voiced their opinion. Actually that's not completely true, it's only the right calf and the right very upper thigh (okay, basically it's the side of my arse). Which is fine, given that the other leg has the whole knee issue... which hasn't been too bad overall... more stiff than sore I think.

And my whole body just seizes up after I've been sitting down for a while once I get back. But it did that to various degrees before (probably because I never bother with a "cool down").

Overall though... pretty good.

Now I'm off to make possibly an overly complicated dinner menu...

Current Mood:

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