Well, other than the regular Supermarket Adventures... which aren't terribly thrilling (other than the fact it means that I end up with food in the house)... and don't even get me started about the combination of bad service and inconsiderate people in supermarkets... or tragic 'mo boys who go to work behind the deli counter with overly groomed eyebrows, some eyeliner (a bit much at 9:30 in the morning) and their cap worn at a jaunty angle like they're some sort of hip hop princess homo... *rolls eyes*...
But once we'd gotten back from Supermarket Hell and I'd unpacked everything, we had NO idea what the hell we wanted to do or where we wanted to go. Which isn't great, and even worse when Ma keeps trying to leave the house before we know where we're going... it's always better to have some sort of destination.
Eventually we decided that we would go and check out a shop that had an ad in the Adelaide Matters magazine saying they had 40% off Christmas decorations. And yes, I realise it's July, but what better time to buy cheap Christmas things (other than, you know, January).
So we trundled down the road, had trouble finding the store, worked out it was actually inside a crappy little shopping centre... and then when we got there discovered that it was actually not a store itself, it was actually attached to a newsagent, and they basically had nothing good.
On the up side though, we were in a different part of suburbia, and after we'd wandered around the centre for about five minutes (and I'd perved on the two cute boys in hoodies, boardshorts, Bonds undies and no shoes... what the hell was up with THAT), we headed over to Norwood for a bit.
Not much going on there either... but we looked in the newly renovated bookstore, bought pies from the cute little pie shop in the sidestreet arcade (I have no idea what the hell it's called, but if I'm in Norwood and up for a pie, it's always where I go) and basically just wandered around a bit.
As we were leaving, Ma said something about us looking around second hand bookshops "one day"... and since there's no time like the present since we both love second hand bookstores, we thought we'd try it then and there... although neither of us had any idea where to go (other than the city)... but I just went "turn here, go that way" and what do you know... second hand bookshop just on the left. Not great, it was a very "old man" kinda bookshop... not a lot of novels, but heaps of books on history and military things and whatnot...
After that I suggested that instead of retracing our steps, we go up to the next cross road and back that way... once we got on the parallel road headed back to my place, book exchange store on the right... so we stopped off there. It was better... still nothing thrilling, but more about the novels.
We pretty much gave up after that and came back here, but there are two second hand bookstores just down the road from my place, so after a quick stop off here, we went and wandered around them. Ma was making out like a bandit actually... she found something in the first store we looked in... then there was a bunch of books marked down in the first place near me, so she ended up with four more books there. I was starting to think I wasn't going to find anything at all... but then we hit the last store.
I used to call in there a lot actually... it was on my way home when I used to walk home after work, and when I had a massive clean-up of my books and got rid of tons of stuff that was the store most of it ended up in (actually I think there are still at least two books that were mine that are still kicking around in there). And fortunately I managed to find a copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's... I've been thinking about getting a copy for ages, and there it was. I also picked up the first book in a "young adult" series that I've been looking for. So big bonuses there...
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