
new hair and random wanderings

new hair based on this"New hair at last, new hair at last, thank god almighty new hair at last..."

Okay so that's not the exact quote (and with apologies to Martin Luther King Jr), but it is kinda how I feel. As I mentioned on Thursday, today was Haircut Day (yaaaay!), and I took in the photo on the right to see if Tink could work some kind of magic and come up with something vaguely similar for me.

And she managed it. I'm not sure how exact it is to the photo, doubly so because he's three quarter profile in the same direction as his hair is going, but I like what she came up with anyway.

It's all asymmetrical and a little bit "ski slopey", but it's really short on the back and sides and I like what she did with the top, ski slope or not. I am wondering how it's going to look when it starts to grow out though... because it could be a trainwreck... and I'm also not sure how long it's going to be that I'll bother making it all leaning to the right... but for right now I like it.

We did the usual thing while she was cutting my hair and nattered about movies and whatnot, and in mid conversation she suddenly said to me that I should be a movie reviewer... which actually just made me think about Marc, because he has this thing where I "should do" stand up comedy (and he's so very wrong I have to say)... but while the movie reviewer idea doesn't sound quite so stupid on the face of it, like I said to Tink, it would mean that I would have to see a whole bunch of movies that were absolute crap and that I had no interest in (Margaret and David I'm not!)... so I'll pass on that one...

Anyway, after I was done I had just enough time to wander around town for maybe twenty minutes before Ma arrived and we went off to do the Supermarket Trawl... blah, blah, blah... then back here to unpack... blah, blah, blah... and then we went off to Marion just for a random wander.

And that was pretty much blah, blah, blah too, lots of been there, seen that... if it hadn't been for the fact that there seemed to be LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of pretty, pretty, pretty manboys around the place it would have been less interesting.

So, yeah... new hair is good...

Current Mood:

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