Today's photos are brought to you by the letters CNMCL and the number 56 and are from way back in December last year...
It's a little bit weird that I'm not starting my temp job until tomorrow... it's good because I have today to myself... but I usually have nothing but "days to myself", so it's not that special or unusual. And it's been bloody cold today too... it was a little better for a while this afternoon, at least the sun came out, but it's kind of been grey and raining all weekend, which is fine by me, but it was bloody freezing yesterday. Anyway, I just spent today curled up on my little red sofa under my "Teddy Blankie" and watched both the Kill Bill movies... you gotta love random violence and Lucy Lui...
While I was curled up I got a text message from this stupid dude who just keeps messaging me even though I never reply (he had his chance, he screwed it up, he can go play hide and go fuck himself)... so finally today I did reply... he asked how I was, and my reply went something along the lines of "Completely uninterested in talking to you and wishing you'd get the hint and delete my number"... funnily enough I didn't hear back from him. Hopefully that's the end of it.
Obviously I was having questionable text message karma though... I figured I should send Sheba a message, since I haven't heard from her in a while... but I couldn't quite work out a quick and efficient way to say "Hey, I haven't heard from you, and I don't want to be messaging you all the time because I know you have the husband and the three kids and the presumably now full time job, and I don't want to bug you, but I would like to see you, plus you also have one of Ma's DVDs, so I have to see you again at least once, but I also want you to want to see me, so why haven't you messaged me either?"... bit of a mouthful yeah, and I probably could have managed to say something along those lines (maybe not that blunt) face to face, but I couldn't find the right words in a text message... gave it three or four tries, and finally gave up, went to quit out of the message (without saving a copy) and accidentally sent it instead. Bugger! So then I had to quickly come up with a second message explaining the first one. Haven't heard anything back yet, so we'll have to see if I was supposed to send that message or not.
I tuned in for the end of So You Think You Can Dance last night... I haven't watched any of the show (mostly because I can't stand the woman hosting it, which is a shame, because I loved the American version), but I did want to know who the hell won. Thankfully it was Jack... I like Jack (based on the about ten minutes total of footage I've seen of the whole show)... nothing against Rhys, but I saw them dance together and Jack is the better dancer (plus, if I'm being honest, Rhys just bugs me... I mean what the hell was up with the black sequined jacked and long dangly earring last night... you just looked stupid). Not that I think there was a single straight male in the Top Ten... and if you told me any of them were straight I still wouldn't believe you. Of course the stand out performance was Henry's buttocks... I happened to tune in briefly during the African number he did... and YUMMY! I still think the stylist who cut his hair should be taken out and shot though.
Suddenly I realise for somebody who hasn't watched the show, I'm suddenly displaying a lot of knowledge about it. I didn't watch, honest.
Speaking of teevee I'm not going to be watching... Big Brother 08... I'm officially boycotting the show... I know I said a very similar thing last year... but this year I actually mean it. I loathe and detest the two new hosts (particularly Kyle... actually, especially Kyle), and the fact that they're specifically picking housemates that are going to have conflict with each other... thus far there have been ads featuring a "racist" grandmother, an Aboriginal girl (who actually seems the most likeable of the group), a "Christian virgin" guy with a scarily high voice who thinks he's all that, an overly tattooed trucker who believes in UFOs (and has Roswell tattooed on his arm *rolls eyes*) and a midget girl of non-specific ethnic origin (I think she might be Indian, but who the hell cares). And they keep trying to convince everybody that this year is going to be different... well, they can just shove it up their crappy Nielson Ratings as far as I'm concerned.
Actually, if they were doing all that stuff but they still had Gretel as the host I would probably end up watching it... I just hate Kyle THAT much (he's an immature, argumentative, unstable, delusional wanker). I'm waiting for the theme song they've chosen for this year (I Don't Think So by Kelis... which is also a shame, because I really like the song and they're just thrashing it to death) to become the show's deathknell... I'm sure some "witty" teevee critic will come up with the line "Is anybody watching anymore? I don't think so!". Plus it frees up more than 250 hours over the next fifteen or so weeks... and since I'm about to start working for an unspecified length of time, that will come in handy to just do everything else. That's not to say I won't end up watching the finale... I think I've watched all seven finales... but we'll have to see.
I'm going to be strong though... no flicking over "just to see what's going on"... no watching Friday Night Games because "there's nothing else on"... no letting Stu fill me in on what's going on... no nothing...
I will be strong and resist... I will be strong and resist... I will be strong and resist...
I think the whole "oncoming work" thing must have inspired me a little bit yesterday... normally I'm not one for excessive amounts of unusual housework, but I ended up mopping both the teeny tiny oblong of kitchen lino, and then throwing the mop around the bathroom floor a bit... not completely sure why... other than the fact that the kitchen floor was a bit manky... I felt better afterwards though, which is the main thing.
I also took some superglue to the strings on my new stunt kite, so hopefully they won't keep coming undone. I ended up hanging it on a spare hook in my bedroom after the glue had dried... it doesn't look too bad, I mean it's a bit of an average looking kite, but I think I might have to get a hook and hang it where my kamikaze print was...
And I really need to do something about that print... it's still leaning up against the wall by the fridge with the big piece of glass still in the frame. Not sure what the hell I'm going to do with it... but I need to do something.
I just gave myself an unnecessary heart attack... I bought a Multitrip ticket on Saturday for this week (since it saves me a truckload of money, $14.60 instead of $24.00)... but the $14.60 did seem excessively cheap... so I wondered if the slightly dopey man had given me the ticket for use between 9am and 3pm instead of the one for any time... I just pulled up the website and looked, and it did indeed look that way to begin with... so I was in the process of calling Ma just to go "WAAAAAAAAH!", and pulled out my wallet to look at the ticket. Ticket was red... any time tickets are red... the 9-3 tickets are grey... so I didn't end up needing to have a conversation with Ma after all, turns out I just misread the website... and I have the right ticket... which is the main thing...
On the upside I have my usual Monday night dinner of chicken with smashed broccoli to look forward to...
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