I got up, got my walking gear on... all in the pretty much pre dawn pitch black... took my housekeys off the ring, went outside, closed the door... and realised that what I was actually holding were the keys to Ma's house...
Yep, for only the fourth time EVER, I'd locked myself out of my apartment... and only the second time I've ever done it as a result of my walk (although it doesn't look like I blogged about the other time).
I went into meltdown a little bit... my dumbass landlord has recently taken the spare keys away from the place a street over, otherwise I could have made a pest of myself there... because I knew trying to get in touch with him at 6am would be an exercise in futility...
So instead I went to the old standby and called Ma... god bless Ma... you gotta love her!
I went off for my walk, she trucked on up the road, and we met up back at my place at around the same time.
And I wasn't even late or running behind schedule or nothin!
Thankfully the day did improve...
I continued to struggle with Access, treading water furiously to keep from going under the surface completely. And by the end of the day I managed to float (I think I've thrashed this whole water metaphor a little too far)... and the function that I didn't think I could make Access do, I made it do... woohoo me!
That's pretty much been my day really... Locked self out... Struggled with Access... Came Home...
Current Mood:

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