
unconscious mutterings 271

Oh, I forgot to mention... on Friday I opened the microwave after it had been running on high for two minutes, and what should appear from between the two sheets of paper towel I'd used to stop splatter but a teeny tiny spider... completely unharmed and totally mobile...

I was going to put it back in and see if I could make it explode, but it disappeared while I was getting my bowl out... so if I start exhibiting Spiderman-like powers, you'll know that it bit me... damn radioactive spiders!

In other news... Unconscious Mutterings...

  1. Silence :: Is Golden

  2. Wall :: The Village of

  3. Killed :: In Action

  4. Wishful :: Thinking

  5. Poodle :: In The Microwave

  6. Sullen :: Teenager

  7. Do not disturb :: Sign

  8. Philadephia :: Story

  9. Anticipation :: Rocky Horror Picture Show

  10. Sidewalk :: Cafe

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Young men of Adelaide beware, SpiderYani loves to crawl all over you!