
rain and my body clock

that's your fancy french rain right there!So I think, in the grand total of days since I've been walking, this would be the third day ever where I haven't walked... although as I say that I am sitting here in my "walking outfit"... but I just don't think it's going to happen.

Partially because it's a big ol' windy rainy stormy day out there...

On the up side, if I had just got up and done my usual thing this morning I probably would have ended up being half drowned again, but when I woke up this morning I just kind of groaned at the clock and rolled over again. You know those mornings when you just want a LITTLE bit more sleep... that was today.

And maybe twenty minutes later, around the time I was laying there thinking "well dammit, I'm gunna have to get up now", the heavens opened and this intense little rainstorm happened. So I kind of figured that was some kind of sign, and just rolled back into bed.

But I never quite got back to "sleep"... it was one of those times where you drift a little in that direction, and maybe you do fall asleep for a couple of minutes at a time, but mostly, you just lay there, being all warm and snuggly and knowing you're not actually sleeping.

The rain kind of came and went and came and went... but it was (and still is basically) blowing a gale out there... and I know that there is no way known that I would have been able to get an hour and a bit of "not-rain" that I needed for my walk... okay, maybe it would have been possible, because even if it's raining up here in North Adelaide, it's not always raining in the city and vice versa, but I think that's more wishful thinking than anything else.

I think I'll give up shortly though and go take a shower, get dressed properly...

I do think my body clock is a little screwed up at present though... whether it's actually working on post-Daylight Savings time or something, I don't know... but I keep staying up later than I should, which makes getting up that much more difficult... but then that's not really aided by the fact that it's pitch black when I get up for my walk...

And of course I swore to myself that I would go to bed at about 10:30 last night... but I started fiddling around with some stuff in Photoshop (nothing important, just random stuff), and the next thing I know it's midnight...

So I choose to blame my body clock and the weather for my failure to walk today... yeah, I know... that didn't really convince me either...

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