I'm officially batting 3 for 3 (that means I'm winning, right... I'm never any good at sporting phrasology) getting free stuff from Blaze, the local gay paper...
First it was the Pink CD... then came the Assassins tickets... and now, it's Kate Miller Heidke's new CD/DVD combo (which I don't think officially comes out until the beginning of June)...
KMH is the woman I went to see in concert with Stu (who's already jealous that I won the CD, since I SMS'ed him first thing this morning... he's been trying to win it from the Messenger, without any luck)...
And it's doubly good because it is a two disc set... one CD and one DVD...
The only downside (and it's not really even a downside) is that I'm due to have coffee with Marc again this afternoon, and if I'd gone with his suggestion that we meet at the same place instead of suggesting he come here and we find somewhere in North Adelaide (now I just need to work out whether or not it's appropriate to jump him when he's here), then I could have swung by and picked up the CD beforehand... and now I'm going to have to make a "special" trip into town to go get it.
Oh well... WHO CARES!
*does the Free Stuff dance*... Free stuff, free stuff, free stuff... cha-cha-cha...
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