

hidden toweronslow corner
A couple of shots from the "Sydney" file...

I didn't actually realise how well these two shots actually synced up until I put them side by side... there's something slightly similar about the window shapes... the smaller cut off section at the bottom... although other than that they're very different... one is all straight lines, clear skies, very tall, aqua blue and commercial... the other is curved, cloudy skies, much smaller, white and residential...

I snapped the Hidden Tower shot partially because of the way the building was reflecting off itself in that 90 degree corner, and partially because the tower was hiding nicely behind the building, and made a nice contrast with the gold behind the aqua...

The Onslow Corner shot was just one of those ones that amused me... it was during our wanderings on our last day, and we didn't quite know where we were, when suddenly we were at the corner of Onslow Avenue and, I think, Onslow Place... and it just struck my funny bone for some reason. At the time I could see both of the street signs perfectly, it's a shame sometimes that the shots never quite come out the way your eye sees things...

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