Until of course you end up with an inexplicable pain in the ass...
At some point today a mysterious and unexplained pain appeared in my butt... I didn't fall down, I didn't bang into anything, I didn't sit on anything, I haven't done anything overly strenuous with my ass for several days now... but suddenly, there it is... like a pulled muscle in my butt...
Makes sitting a challenging exercise, I can tell you.
Nothing really overly exciting to report on the shopping front... although I did throw a bit of a sulk half way through the supermarket this morning... but the less said about that the better...
After the food stuff was all over we ended up going down to Marion to see if we could track down another Bonds hoodie for me and a cheap copy of Miss Potter for Ma... but alas, nowhere had a copy of Miss Potter (even though Target had it advertised, and should have had copies). We did stumble over the motherload of Bonds hoodies in Kmart... no red ones like the one I already have, but they did have a bunch of others (including a rather striking green one which I wasn't overly fussed about), and they were doing a "buy one, get 50% off the other" sale, so that's always a bonus.
It's good too, because at least this way I'm not going to totally wear out my red one... I can wear the other ones a lot and keep the red one for more important occasions.
But that was about it really... we wandered around a while, had a bite to eat, wandered some more and came home again.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous it ain't...
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Too much sitting on trees I reckon. :)
Don't you bloody start! :P
I guess there is proof that a pain in the ass can have a pain in the ass :P
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