
sydney frangapani

sydney frangapaniSomething slightly odd has been going on in my brain since we got back from Sydney (okay, that's maybe a little bit too general, I'm talking about a specific oddness)...

I find that I'm really, really, really missing Sydney...

I don't remember feeling like this either of the times I got back from Melbourne, so it's not just random "post holiday" withdrawal... added to the fact that today is a month since we left...

But I'm also not sure if it's just that I liked how I felt when I was in Sydney, rather than just coming back to my fairly uneventful and unexciting life... so do I miss Sydney, or just the idea of Sydney?

I do find myself trying to spot various Sydney landmarks on a variety of teevee programs or news reports... and I feel like it's one of those places that I could explore forever, because, honestly we only really managed to scratch the surface while we were there.

This doesn't mean that I'm about to announce plans to pack up and move to Sydney... although, if I'm being honest, it has crossed my mind... I just don't know how I'd go starting over in a new city. Plus I'd miss Ma...

But yeah... the Harbour City has definitely gotten under my skin...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Muzbot said...

I used to swear that I'd never EVER live in Sydney... 10 years on and I'm still falling in love with its many surprises.