And while we're on the subject of men... I'm just going to make a broad sweeping statement and say that all men are rude, lying, useless, manipulative pigs (with a few notable exceptions), and if it wasn't a complete and total lie I would declare that I was through with men for ever and ever... and that's all I'm saying on the subject... *mutter mutter mutter mutter*
One thing I forgot to mention on Saturday was that Ma brought down a complete new set of pillows for me... the Bodymate pillow I got the Christmas before last, and the set of four pillows we picked up around the same time (maybe after Christmas, I honestly don't remember)... now because I sleep with five pillows (two stacks of two normal pillows and the Bodymate one), whenever I've changed over to new pillows in the past, I usually just rotate the top pillows down to the bottom and replace them with new ones... but given the rather gross state of my pillows, I swapped out the whole lot...
So of course, this means that it feels like I'm sleeping on big squashy piles of candyfloss, which just lay there being all puffy and plump... and my is head about four foot off the ground (an exaggeration obviously, although it doesn't actually feel like one), and I may have already thrown my back out of line a little... maybe I'm just going to have to start sitting on the pillows during the day, squash them into a reasonable shape...
And, just for the record, the pain in my butt is still there... maybe it's one of those psychosomatic things, because over the last few days EVERYTHING has been a pain in my butt...
Current Mood:

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