I have to say my favourite shot from this one is the second from the left on the bottom row... the back end of a seriously green car... that's just cool...
What a difference an hour can make... I got up an hour later than usual this morning (my own fault, because I stayed up late all weekend), and so I went for my walk at around 8 instead of 7. And now I remember why I like to go at 7... at 7 it's quiet and serene and I don't see too many people... at 8 it's people everywhere, rush rush rush... much less conducive to a restful environment.
And still on the subject of my walk... I noticed on Saturday that I had my belt on the very first hole... which is saying something when at one point I had been wearing it on the very LAST hole... so yaaaaay me! My pants continue to keep falling down around my hips... so much so that I've started wearing my belt around the house, to do housework and stuff. If this continues then I'll need to go shopping for new pants. Yaaaaay me again! Part of me kind of wishes that I'd weighed myself back when I started this whole thing, since it would have been nice to know how much weight I'd lost... but I kind of think that could have been a little scary, so another part of me is glad that I didn't.
On the slightly non-helpful weight-reduction front... I made muffins again on Saturday morning... whipped them up first thing before I washed the dishes and tidied up... Wholemeal Banana, Walnut and Sultana Muffins... they were SOOOOO good... unfortunately they're all gone now... I've been using wholemeal flour for a while now... I started using it for making pizza bases, now I make wholemeal muffins too. I need to blog the recipe soon I think, it's a really simple one, and I use it as the basis for about a million different muffin variations... I've made Cheese, Bacon and Sundried Tomato Muffins... Blueberry Muffins... Sultana Muffins... Mixed Berry Muffins... basically just about anything I have in the house that can be turned to a muffin...
Would you believe I still don't have my sofa back... I kind of expected a call after last Tuesday, since the woman at Le Cornu said the manufacturer only delivers to Le Cornu on Tuesdays... but no... nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero, bubcus... it better bloody well happen this Tuesday or I'll be slightly more cranky... this is the beginning of the third week... how long does it take to replace ONE piece of webbing. I know they have to take the sofa apart to do it, but still...
After I finished blogging about Skyshow on Saturday, my geographically absent buddy J hailed me on MSN... he'll be here at the end of May *does happy dance*... and then about a week later his English boytoy follows him out, which should be interesting... and then they go back towards the end of June. At least he and I will actually get to spend a little alone time before the boytoy arrives, catch up on all the gossip and such, without having a theoretical third wheel (okay, technically I'm the third wheel, but it's J I want to catch up with, so the boytoy gets to be the third wheel)... I've been told that I have to be nice to this boytoy... I don't have an overly great record with J's boytoys... there's actually only been one out of the three that he's dated since I've known him that I actually liked... and that relationship didn't last (mostly, I think, because J didn't get to be in charge of the relationship). Maybe that's the prerequisite for J having a long term relationship with someone... I don't like them... interesting...
And speaking of J always reminds me of Mythbusters, since we had a regular Monday "date" where he'd come over and we'd watch it. I forgot to mention in last week's ramblings that Mythbusters started a new season last week... yaaaaaaay! Adam and Jamie blowing things up again! Gotta love it!
What I'm not that fond of it all the Mythbuster-wannabe programs... not only the English quasi-version, Brainiac, which seems to think that it's audience is a backwards thirteen year old with the attention span of a goldfish... hence all the girls of questionable virtue in questionable outfits... but Australia just came up with it's own variation on the English variation, and since all the good titles were already taken, called it Clever. And it really isn't... one presenter stolen from another network, six third rate celebrities all of whom work for the network in question, at least in some regard... one science advisor who's claim to fame is that he used to work for the science show on another network, and it's all a bit crap really. Especially when Clever steals the science from Brainiac who stole the science from Mythbusters... and it lost some of it's relevance each time... Can you tell I wasn't impressed?
I also wasn't impressed by the fact that Network Ten chose to move the kickass show, Surface, from it's supposed 7:30 timeslot to an 11:30 timeslot, without any ads, any fanfair, nothing... it was only because I went looking for it on the Ten website that I found it... and next week it gets buried even further, being pushed to Sunday night at 11:30... stoopid network...
And just when I thought that my Sunday night's would be empty without Carnivàle... CSI returns! YAAAAAAY! And we finally got to see the second half of the Quentin Tarantino written and directed two parter, Grave Danger... so good... so very very good...
Current Mood:

I actually like Brainiac - what does that say about me?? ;)
It just means that you've never seen Mythbusters...
Or that you actually like breasts... :P
I guess... orange next?
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too!
Gold star and a cookie for Andrew... although you're technically wrong... right song, wrong colour... its Purple and Orange and Blue... but I've already done purple (plus I can't find enough things that aren't flowers), so I'm skipping ahead to Orange. So you're both right for the wrong reason and wrong for the right reason... or something...
Eww ... boobies are gross. The bigger they are, the more scary. ;P
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