
montage monday: orange

orange 2006We return to the Monday Montage Colour Theme... Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, (I already did) Purple and this would be Orange.

This one is for Andrew.

After considering the whole "I have a free ticket left" situation, combined with the "There aren't any new movies I really want to see" and the "I'm not driving all the way to Marion to see a movie I've already seen" issues, I decided against going to see something yesterday. What with Casanova last Tuesday, Mrs Henderson on Saturday and Kinky Boots tonight, I think three trips to the cinema in a week, especially since we won't have paid full price for any of them ($8, $10 and free, respectively).

On the subject of movies, I watched Jaws for the first time on Saturday night. Yep, for whatever combination of reasons, I've never seen it, and figured I should at least give it a shot... it's a bit crap really isn't it... I only got a scare once, and that was from the floating head, since I didn't exactly see it coming. Other than that, the shark just looks really really fake. The best part was probably Quint's tale about what happened to the USS Indianapolis... oh and the cute 70's swimwear...

I started reading Close Range last night, the collection of short stories that Brokeback Mountain comes from... I only read the first story last night (and Brokeback just happens to be the last story in the book), but I'm intrigued enough by the first one and I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

I still don't have a sofa! If I don't hear from them on Tuesday I will be giving them a call on Wednesday to ask them what the deal is... this is just getting beyond a joke... it's a month now!

Speaking of Tuesday... tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Tuesday, but since I have Camera Club tomorrow, and Ma is coming down tonight, I'm going to make up a batch of "pancrepe" batter a little later and we're going to do the pancake thing a day early.

Oh, and I added linkbacks to my posts... I don't know that they're working completely right as yet (there are posts that should have linkbacks that don't, stuff like that), and they do seem to list the links I make, rather than any links from outside, but it can't hurt, right?

Current Mood: a little out of sorts

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