
not one of the best weeks

wisteria lightsmovie show street art

toy story shootermuseum lights

This hasn't been an especially good week for me so far...

I cracked a tooth late last week which turned into full on toothache by Monday night and I slept really badly... fortunately I was able to get in and see the dentist on Tuesday afternoon and while I'm now missing the tooth in question, I feel a hell of a lot better.

I did have a little bit of a quiet cry while sitting in the dentist chair. I have no idea what the hell that was about, but fortunately the dentist was busy typing things into the computer while the anaesthetic was kicking in and the dental assistant had wandered off somewhere.

Yeah... weird...

I also finally made an appointment to see a chiropractor about my back... which should have been on Friday, but I got a call this afternoon saying that they needed to reschedule until next week.

Add to that the fact that one member of our team appears to have turned into a black hole and is managing to suck all the energy out of the room while theoretically concentrating on their work. No idea what that's about but I really wish they'd return to normal.

All of that kind of contributed to my not keeping up with my Photo A Day photos... which isn't really surprising, given that I wasn't that busy on Monday and the word was "busy"... then Tuesday I had a fairly crap day and that was "the best part of my day"... seriously, Tuesday didn't HAVE a best part!

Anyway, I've whinged now...

Current Mood:

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