
photo friday: benzo opposites

benzo fire walkerbenzo power bot

I'm now officially convinced that I may be the only person doing gallery openings correctly...

Okay, that's not exactly true... although it feels kind of like it's true.

I went to the opening of Red Tomato Design's "I Have A Theme #2" at the Magazine Gallery. I'm not sure if it's actually a gallery show. I suppose it was, but it was slightly different given the fact that the artwork in question was on sweatshirts rather than paper or canvas.

I got there a little before the official opening time, but fortunately the gallery was open, so I wandered around inside, petted the adorable little sausage dog, wandered around some more...

Once opening time rolled around nobody seemed to be making any announcements... so I did my usual trip of approaching somebody in charge and asking what the deal was.

Which is why I'm now the proud owner of a Gary Seaman x Simon Pearce screen-printed sweatshirt.  It's not quite "one of a kind", although it was the only one in that particular size, and one of about seven (or eight) overall.

It's one of those things where it's so unique that I don't know if I would even want to wear it. But I'm also not sure that it will actually fit me. Which makes it a bit of a circular thought process... I don't know if I would wear it if I could wear it, but if I could then I'd have to decide of I would...


I also managed to get my hands on a teaser poster for the show earlier this week... I was on my way home on the bus and happened to glance out the window just at the right moment to notice the very distinctive Red Tomato face on an empty store front in North Adelaide... so I jumped off the bus and popped it off the wall.

Actually that was the second poster I popped off a wall this week... although I have the other one to one of the graphic designers at work because I thought it would appeal to her.

Oh, and I finally got my Metrocard from Adelaide Metro... on the same day that I got an email response from their Customer Service Team about my open letter blog post on Sunday. I honestly never wrote that thinking that anyone from Adelaide Metro would see that, let alone respond.

To be honest, I'm not sure I actually care about getting the response... the fact that you have to apologise for a bad customer service experience is never as effective as having a positive experience in the first place. But I suppose that it's nice somebody is paying attention.

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