
seventh blogiversary

yaniblog's seventh blogiversary

Would you believe that I totally forgot that today was my blogiversary!

So much so that I'm actually posting this a day late. And none of the images that I'd lined up were really working... so Lego to the rescue at the last minute.

In a lot of ways, that does kind of sum up this seventh year of the blog... not only the plethora of Lego related things... but also that it's not as much of a focus for me as it once was.

Plus the fact that just at present, my concentration is a little scattered.

But I'm nearly at 3000 posts... and my blog still does a great job showing off my photos and documenting my thoughts.

Current Mood:


Michael said...

Happy Blogoversary, Yani!

Tom said...

Congratulations, 7 years is a serious commitment! It's been a long time now since I stopped blogging but I do still enjoy reading yours! :-)

Victor said...

A terrific accomplishment, well done!