
random ranch hotness

This week's Random Hotness is a little bit of an audiovisual feast... pictures AND video (that's two weeks in a row there's been video)!

I don't quite know how or why this particular video and photos from underwear company Andrew Christian managed to sneak past me, but as soon as I saw the Jockstrap Cowboys video (at the bottom of this post) staring Quin, Sean, Brandon and Colby, I knew it was destined for a hotness post.

sean for andrew christianquinn for andrew christian

colby and brandon for andrew christianbrandon and colby for andrew christian

brandon, colby and sean for andrew christianquinn, robert, colby and sean for andrew christian

In addition to the official video, there are also two behind the scenes videos... which are also worth watching.

Jockstrap Cowboys by Andrew Christian from Andrew Christian on Vimeo.

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