

I went for a little drive to Bowden this morning with the help of the Adelaide made streetart.io iPhone app.

I actually found one collection of street art by accident while trying to find a particular piece.

cube monsterhidden history

The 'Village of Bowden' was established in 1839 by James Hurtle Fisher, who named it after his native village in Northamptonshire.

red signaldo your own thing

There are a lot of industrial estates in the suburb along with a number of vacant houses.

gorilla polegate forty seven

It's a little sad really... parts of the place have a decidedly unloved feel about it.

rusted linkstoy soldier samurai

Anything that's not new and utilitarian feels old, broken and rusted.

these brick walls have eyesoverhead hum

Fortunately there are some fantastic pockets of street art that brighten the place up.

bowden tengold wire

And just occasionally, you find something a little special amongst the detritus.

Current Mood:

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