
photo friday: round window

it's the round windowBehold, my lunchtime wandering around Victoria Square and its photographic progeny...
  • I discovered earlier in the week that as mysteriously as my blog had been de-listed by Google, it has returned equally mysteriously. I attempted a bunch of stuff to make Google look for it, but to no avail, then it randomly appeared on its own. I poked around both Google Analytics (22,236 unique visitors since the beginning of 2008) and Google Webmaster earlier... for no real reason, and without learning much (except that my review of Coco Avant Chanel is amongst the most popular pages on the blog).

  • It seems that I'm not the only one to notice that the Universe has been conspiring to prevent me from getting any nookie of late. For indeed, Scruff the Demigod of Lust has forsaken me. First it was a cold, then the flu, then I had problems with my back, and now it's my neck (then there are people wanting to hook up on Fridays when SYTYCD is on, rude). At least I did manage to christen my new bed though.

  • I came to a realisation earlier this week... when H-San is happy and chipper, the whole of The Nut House (or, more specifically Sugarmonkey and me, since we're pretty much it most of the time) is happy and whatnot. When H-San is quiet or grumpy, then we all get quiet and withdrawn.

  • Black Motorhead teeshirt with the sleeves rolled up, skin tight black jeans, grey Bonds undies, big fluffy hair and a body as skinny as his jeans... *le sigh*

  • Given the Benzo-related activity of the last week, yesterday afternoon I started jonesing for a weekend street art photo safari. Sadly, it appears that the weather is going to be glorious on Saturday and completely shitful on Sunday... *sulk*. We'll see...

  • Some days are "Say Something Hat Days"... today was a "Don't Do Much of Anything Day"...

  • There's nothing quite like an over-catered morning tea "celebration". The only downside (in theory) is that then you don't want much lunch at all. After the aforementioned wanderings, I ended up getting just a little bun thing and a bubble-tea. And on top of that I had no idea what the hell I was going to do for dinner until I walked into the supermarket after work... I wanted something quick and easy with not much clean-up... so homemade pizza (again) it is.

  • Molly Ringwald wrote a tribute to John Hughes for The New York Times ... which I thought was really sweetly written and worth a read.

  • Ending up with your shoulder resting against your male workmate's hip for what seemed like a prolonged period is just weird... although it only really happened because I don't think either of us were actually aware it was happening at the time (not sure why, it's possible he thought he was leaning against my chair). Still weird though.

  • After reading Hey, Nietzsche! Leave them kids alone , I asked H-San if I could borrow My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade album... and I've been jamming to it all day (in fact, it's on in the other room as we speak). I think it may end up on high rotation for a while. He also lent me a couple of AFI albums, but I'm not sure about those yet.

  • For the record... my Puma skate shoes... not at all "like budder"... very not... stoopid shoes. I also need to restring the laces. I've been wearing them all internal and groovy and whatever, and they're just not that great. So my shoes are currently sitting in front of my Little Red Sofa to make sure that I actually do something about the laces tonight during So You Think You Can Dance (notice how I've slipped that in there for the second time... just like every other week since the season started... subtle I'm not!).

  • Thank the appropriate deity of your choice that it's Friday!

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