Actually, that's a total lie... the phrase of the day really has been "sorry for the confusion". Only I wasn't especially sorry, and the confusion wasn't my fault.
Information from the project I mentioned last week should have gone out on Friday... didn't happen, we were promised that it would go out Saturday... there was nothing on Monday, and it didn't end up going out until this morning. It's a little scary watching the team mailbox fill up with some 250 emails... especially when you know that those emails are a combination of emails that failed to send and out-of-office replies.
It would have been quite so bad if the emails that had gone out had contained correct information... but our external developer used Field A instead of Field B, so about half the messages had incorrect links in them... and none of the links were actually clickable. It was a whole debacle. Which then led me to replying to a bunch of people's queries... all of which ended with the default line, "sorry for the confusion".
I mean, I'd expected there to be issues when this all got put into practice... and that I would be in charge of following it all up... but I never expected that the email wouldn't do what it was supposed to. That's just a whole extra level of annoying.
On the upside, at least I was busy all day, what with email related trauma followed by our team meeting.
I also discovered that there's no longer a Hard Rock Cafe in Melbourne... there goes our plans for dinner on the Friday. Seriously, what's going on with Melbourne... no Hard Rock, no Warner Bros Store... stupid GFC...
Just when you think that being forced to listen to annoying and loud high school boys yammering away about absolute drivel is one of the worst possible bus rides, then you're forced to stand next to three incredibly pretentious uni students who are studying music. Get over yourselves...
And sadly I don't even have an lemons or limes, so tequila isn't an option without going for a walk...
Current Mood:

Hard Rocks, Planet Hollywoods, Warner Bros, et al are all gone. Melbourne has plenty of grown up things to see and do instead
See, I didn't even know about Planet Hollywood... and now it's gone...
Also, when you're travelling with a 16yo (and also me :P) you can't do THAT many grown up things without throwing some other stuff in.
When i'm in the mood for oversized cocktails and fried things, I always head to TGI Fridays. There's one at the Jam Factory on Chapel Street. Maybe look at their web site (you can view the drinks menu too) and see if it looks like a good replacement. I recommend the Orange Vodka Shebert drink and Deep Fried Macaroni and Cheese!
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