
grey wednesday

grey stripes peeling paint
There was an article in the paper yesterday that said that Wednesday, rather than Monday, is the unhappiest day of the week. Makes sense I guess... since it's the furthest you're every going to be from the weekend. So in honour of Unhappy Wednesday, I'm going with a grey theme in today's photos...

Different days, different places, but grey...

I found myself flicking through cross-stitch magazines in the newsagent at lunch today. It wasn't intentional, I went in there looking for something particular (which they didn't have), saw a beadwork toy solider on the cover of one of the magazines and the next thing I know I've been flicking through three or four of the things. Ma thought it was hilarious when I messaged her.

Because I was texting while eating lunch I finally got around to sending a message to J basically saying that if we were both playing the "I'll wait for him to call me" game then it was going to end badly (since we haven't spoken to each other since the end of May). His response was that he tried to arrange something "10 times" and then gave up. Which I think is a massive exaggeration on his part... plus if it was 10 times then it was over a space of 10 days (which he denies). As I said to Sugarmonkey once I got back from lunch and J and I were busily sending snarky text messages... "Screw scorned women, hell hath no fury like bitchy gay men". But I think we sorted everything out and supposedly he's coming over next Tuesday.

Oddly enough it was kind of "paying it forward" (the message, not the snark), since I got a message from Sheba on Monday just checking in and saying hey.

I tell you what though... I can't wait until we go to Melbourne in October... I really do need a break from... well, my life essentially. It'll be nice to just get away and be On Holiday. And hopefully it will clear some of the snark out of my system, because I seem to be operating at a much higher snark level than usual... which is saying something, given that sarcastic is my default setting.

Also, I really, really, really want a new computer...

On a completely tangential note... do you remember those "Magic Eye" 3D pictures that were all the rage some years ago? Well, I could never get the trick of them at the time, and I don't think I ever saw the sailboat or the bunnies or whatever the images were supposed to be. But they're printing them on the back page of the Sunday paper's comics liftout, and I've now trained my eyes to be able to see the 3D pictures... better late than never, right... except now whenever I see that kind of repeating pattern (more on a computer screen than in real life), I find myself seeing it in "3D"... weird...

Also, Jason Mraz is as cute as a bug's ear (although, seriously, what the hell does that expression mean?)...

Current Mood:

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