
random caleb hotness

It's Random Hotness Day! This is Caleb. I'm assuming that Caleb is a model. I don't think Caleb is wearing any underwear. He also seems to be signifying his love of something unusual (I kid... wrong pocket).

Also, Caleb is just plain hot.

And that's all I know. Other than the fact that he reminds me of some Generic Actor Guy in the body shot, and I can't think for the life of me who that particular GAG might be...

caleb up close caleb isn't wearing any underwear
Current Mood:


yani said...

You do indeed thing too much... :P

And yes, I have flown the grey flag... but I haven't actually flown any flags with anybody really since I got the new bed... but there are more than a few colours of hanky I could fly... even some of the really stupid ones (thankfully there's no reference to fake fur on the list)...

But I didn't know they could be front or rear... just left or right :P

And now perhaps I know just a little bit too much about you...

Anonymous said...

Pretty much a babe.

I must admit I knew nothing about the handkerchief code. I'm such an innocent :P

Victor said...

Speaking of GAGs, I'd gladly gag on Caleb irrespective of the colour of his handkerchief.