
photo friday: green curve

would you believe this is part of a court house building?Some thoughts from a fairly uneventful Friday...
  • Nobody even noticed that I'd had my hair cut... big meanies (although at the same time, it's nice not to have to do the "yes, I had a haircut" thing 150 times)...

  • A * in the wrong place can be fatal and lead to a day and a half's worth of angst...

  • Getting a very short haircut and then going out on a very cold morning results in a very cold skull...

  • Birthday Donuts (Sugarmonkey's... but shhhh... don't tell anyone, he's trying to keep it on the downlow) are evil...

  • A blonde is a terrible thing to waste...

  • Our new boss, while groovy, still makes me nervous...

  • Although the purpose behind it is admirable, people who wear Stormtrooper uniforms in public are just a tiny bit tragic (they might be awesome to see on mass, but when there's only two of them, it's a tad lame)...

  • On a related note... after being haunted by Daffodil Day teddies with little white lab coats and dorky black glasses all day, I gave in and bought one... so cute (although ultimately pointless)... *squeeee*...

  • Vaguely flirting with the Instore Product Promotion Girly is pointless if she gives you the wrong flavour of free chewing gum!
Current Mood:

1 comment:

Janek said...

I noticed you had your hair cut, I can see it all the way from here in Sydney!