
a question of dvds

when dvds go badOkay... so here's something I just don't understand...

You go to a store, you buy a DVD. You bring it home, you play it. At some point during the playing, either during the movie itself or during one of the special features, the DVD skips or sticks or just plain old doesn't work.

So you take it back to the store. And you get to swap it over for a brand new copy of the same DVD. But when you bring THAT home and play it, it does exactly the same thing in exactly the same spot. Now, the question is... is the error due to your DVD player (even though you also attempted to play it on your computer and it didn't work there either) or is, as you suspect, the whole entire batch of DVDs at the store faulty. And is the store counting on the fact that some people just won't be bothered bringing it back, so they just leave the whole set of defective discs sitting there on the rack.

Or is it some combination of the two. Will the DVD in question work in a brand new DVD player, whereas one that's four or five years old will have issues with it.

Surely the companies that make the DVDs check them before they leave the factory... they can't just create a whole batch that may be defective and then send them off without checking them.

And even if it has only happened with about 1.5% of all the DVDs I've ever bought, it still strikes me as both annoying and wasteful.

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1 comment:

The Mutant said...

Just walk up and give your colour-tron television set a good clout. That's the traditional way to fix things, right?