
photo friday: toasted m

toasted m
  • Addicted to Haighs... it's like freakin catnip or crack or something... and toasted marshmallow is a whole world of nostalgia...

  • Small accident on the bus this morning. Not me, the bus. Coming across an intersection just after my stop the bus clipped the back of a car. Not completely sure of all the details since I was looking out the window, only felt the impact and saw the aftermath. Brief moment of panic as it was happening though.

  • Jeans for Genes Day isn't that exciting when you wear jeans EVERY Friday.

  • Much easier to listen to music at work with half of a pair of $2 bud earphones than a pair of $14 "supra-aural" headphones... although really having to concentrate on reading or understanding something, the earphone has to come out.

  • Been writing a lot of length emails this week containing varying levels of snark.

  • Closed an email yesterday with the phrase "As always, your mileage may vary, but this is my $0.02!"... which then led the main target of the email presenting me with two 50 cent pieces. Because according to her "two cents was far too little for that much email".

  • Not necessarily THAT gay as it turns out. Had another brief conversation with Boss Lady this week (although seem incapable of talking to the woman without ending up with "foot in mouth" feeling), she said that La Ninj mentioned there was a 'mo on The Nut House team. Still think my desk is pretty damn gay though.

  • John Hughes died... must remember to have a memorial Ferris Bueller/Weird Science/Breakfast Club marathon over the weekend.

  • Succumbed to visiting the supermarket on Tuesday night and there were sirens and a recorded message being blasted through the parking area... could have sworn that the message was saying "Leave Anthony"... which makes NO sense. Walked into the building and the message was actually "Please evacuate". Went to the 7 Day Supermarket instead.
Current Mood:

1 comment:

Janek said...

Jeans for Genes day was even less important for me... I wear jeans every day. I felt like making it "Not Jeans for Genes day"