
low impact saturday

his teeshirt very much sums it upFirst up I have give a big fat "Fuck You!" to Channel 10 for inexplicably moving So You Think You Can Dance from 7:30 to 11pm on Friday, and doing so with very little warning (or so it seemed). And then replacing it with what were more than likely repeats of the Simpsons (just for something different), and a movie that's been on teevee three or four times.

Fuck you Channel 10, fuck you very much!

Okay, now that that's out of my system...

Today was something of a blah day... we ended up not doing very much at all, and the stuff we did do ended up not working out the way it was supposed to.

The usual Supermarket Safari was fine, although it was weird not talking about SYTYCD (I have no idea what's going to happen when the season is over)... then, under the vague impression that there was the big SALA art sale thing happening today, we headed down to Hyde Park. Oops... that would be tomorrow.

We wandered about on King William Road for a little bit, but it wasn't all that exciting.

Then we headed off to see Mr Walker and pick up our Benzo artworks, since the exhibition ends today. I had planned on calling him to check that we could pick the stuff up today, but yesterday kinda got away from me. Turns out he wanted to hang onto the pieces for the rest of the day, which is fair enough given the amount of traffic he says they've been getting. So essentially we just "visited" the artwork. I did discover that there had been a "Meet The Artist" session last weekend... but, really, I'm sure I would have devolved into an 11 year old girl and just giggled and told him he was awesome... so it's better that we avoided that one.

And that was really about it for the day... we stopped off at the bakery in O'Connell Street, bought far too much stuff, came back here and watched the two and a bit hours of SYTYCD... which was interesting, because it's weird to watch it a) in the daytime and b) with Ma here.

Of course because there are only two or three weeks left of the show it definitely isn't going to come back from the 11pm graveyard, which is irritating... so long as they don't stop showing this season (which I doubt) or avoid future seasons, that's all that matters.

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