
a very shopping saturday

acme super marketIt was a very good shopping day today...

I did the Supermarket Safari thing on my own since Ma was off "having her hair did", which was fine... I think it took less time, but then it always does, so I had a chance to come back here, unpack everything, read the paper and watch some pointless teevee (or at least have it on in the background while I did all of those other things)...

Sidebar... Batman: The Brave and the Bold is possibly the most appallingly written cartoon show with voice actors delivering the lines in the most stilted and unnatural way... it's just not good.

Anyway, when Ma arrived, we'd both obviously had the same thought during the week since we both had a stack of catalogues to show each other (one of them was the same jewellery catalogue and we'd both noticed the exact same thing... spooky)... nothing earthshattering... a pair of groovy shoes, some Star Trek DVD boxed sets, the aforementioned jewellery, a very groovy red chair...

So with that we headed off to Marion since the weather was decidedly craptastic and it seemed like a good idea to be undercover and out of the elements. And it was... I actually ended up taking my jacket off and just running around in my teeshirt since it was nice and warm in there.

Interestingly (to me anyway), I read an article the other day about the Redhead Cluster Phenomenon... I'll tell you what, it was definitely in effect today! Partly there seemed to be a lot of redheaded little kids around, which doesnt' always mean they're going to grow up into redheaded adults... and a fair few strawberry blondes and people who's hair just looked reddish in the light they were in... but there were also a high proportion of true redheads running around...

But getting back to the shopping... and it feels like we did some hardcore shopping (well, maybe lightcore... but there was definitely shopping that went on)...

crocs ambler, bonds hoodie and crocs bajaFirstly we stopped off at KMart, and they were having a sale on Bonds hoodies... $29 instead of $45 (woohoo), although they didn't have the lime green one I really love I did get one that was a very rich sapphire blue.

As Ma said, "It's blue like your other one is red"... which sounds weird, but she's right, you think of the colour blue or the colour red and that's what colour they are. They also had the Bonds track pants $10 cheaper than normal and a long sleeved sweater like the sleeveless one I bought the other week for $13... but in red (what can I say, red really has taken over as my favourite colour) not black.

Ma got a new hoodie too, pink and black, very Punk Rock (okay, maybe not).

We also did a fair bit of wandering around, Ma found a semi cowgirl shirt in Red Circle, blah blah blah...

Then we headed into David Jones to take a look at the Crocs they had advertised (after a brief mistaken detour through Myer because I got confused over which store they were in). It seems like it wasn't enough for the to conquer the plastic shoe with holes market... oh no... now they're making plastic shoes for every occasion (they even seem to have high heeled shoes on their website, which scares me just a little)... including boots!

Yep, Crocs make the Ambler boot, resplendent in "Khaki" (really, it's beige)... and you know what, they're actually pretty comfortable, and fairly warm (and I should know, I'm wearing them right now). Unfortunately I possibly needed a 9½ and they only do whole sizes... but I was wearing very thin socks, so the 10's should be okay with thicker socks. And since DJ's was having a "get 50% off the second pair" sale, I ended up buying a pair of the very comfortable Crocs Baja thongs too.

So, yes... a very shopping day...

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