
cosmically aligned monitor

discarded computersIt's obviously one of those cosmic alignment times... J is back in the country, I now have a new external hard drive that may not work with my current computer and as of lunchtime today my monitor is a whole world of dead and or on life support (it more or less stopped working earlier, but kinda limped along a bit after I left it alone for 10 minutes).

Thankfully though, on the monitor issue, I could just call up J and cry "help". Unfortunately he's currently in a whole other part of the country attending to important family business, but his brother was home so I was able to go over and "borrow" a monitor (which then lead to some very frank and interesting discussions with J's brother... inappropriate, but interesting).

So you know what that means... it's time to buy a new computer...

I'm in a bit of a quandary... do I go with the desktop version, or do I bite the bullet and get a laptop? If I get a desktop version, do I get J to basically build me one (since getting people to build me a computer directly to specs hasn't worked out too badly in the past) or do I go with whatever brand he recommends (I think he mentioned Dell)? If I go with the laptop, what becomes of the not inexpensive cordless keyboard and mouse I bought recently? If I go with the laptop I'm gunna need a wireless modem... and if I'm going wireless I might as well go the whole hog and switch over to broadband.

So, you see... I have some thinking to do...

In the meantime I have to kind of get used to how very, very bright this monitor seems after my old one... and work out whether or not it's a little bit on the yellow side, or if it's just my eyes (it looked very yellow when I first switched it on, but now it looks normal, so obviously one of us has warmed up properly).

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1 comment:

Sunshine said...

Yay for a new computer!!! :) Although when I wanted to upgrade my desktop last time, I found that a new video card and some extra memory made all the difference to the old machine. So perhaps you can upgrade instead?