
random worrall hotness

It's odd how things work out sometimes... and today's Random Hotness is no exception...

Up until about a week and a half ago I had a piece of paper on the table next to my computer that said "Luke Worrall" on it (actually, that's a lie, it said "Kelly Osbourne's fiancé", but it amounts to the same thing). I'd seen the pair of them in a magazine a while back when I was getting my hair done and I'd kept meaning to feature young Master Worrall. But I must have thrown the piece of paper out when I was doing a clean up at some stage.

Fast forward to yesterday when I spotted a set of shots by Hedi Slimane of the lovely Luke on Bodhi's blog... and, well, I always like a bit of sexy over-bleached "white trash" *grin*... especially when it's tattooed, pierced and mostly naked...

luke worrall luke worrall

Current Mood:


Bodhi said...

He is adorable huh? I can also tell you that the Fag Hag is quite taken with him :-)

Anonymous said...

Like I said on dad's blog (I'm Bodhi's daughter aka the Fag Hag) he needs to see some sunlight, he could pass as a vampire lol, but yes, he is adorably cute