I got up, I went for my walk, I went to work...
I fed Trev, I talked to H-San and Sugarmonkey about movies, I went to lunch...
I bought some new underwear, I had junkfood for lunch again, I bought two chocolate products that turned out to be awful...
I had what turned into a slightly heated discussion with La Ginga Ninja, I mused on why Sugarmonkey is the only person who is able to essentially tell me to get over myself without me biting his head off, I came home...
I made grilled chicken and green beans and mashed sweet potato for dinner, I listened to the audio commentary for The Magnificent Seven, I sent appropriately indecent text messages...
I wasn't sure what to blog about, I dicked around creating an image for this post, I'm now up past my bedtime...
I'm very dull...
Current Mood:

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