- Big brown eyes and a shaved head...
- "Jesus and a monkey travelling around in a truck solving mysteries and turning water into wine!"...
- 2900 emails... of which I could happily delete 2700 and ignore most of the other 200...
- People must not be able to tie their own shoes or feed themselves if some of the emails we get are any indication...
- I heart Trev...
- Splitting up TV seasons across multiple DVD box sets is annoying... as are stores having every box set in a series except one...
- Monkey noises crack me up and I have no idea why...
- Not all hot chocolates are created equal...
- I've been looking forward to tomorrow's excursion for a whole year...
- "Snik snik, gobble gobble, slurp"...
- I've been swearing like a sailor all day (and the Swear Jar at work is now somewhat richer)...
- Black jockstrap with red and black striped socks...
- "What problem are you trying to solve?" is both a very useful phrase as well as one of the most annoying sentences ever...
- It's actually bloody cold, but I'm trying to avoid using the heater... because once I do, that will be it...
- I need pizza... and I'm thinking about a bottle of tequila (probably won't happen though)...
Current Mood:

"Jesus and a monkey travelling around in a truck solving mysteries and turning water into wine!" Um, do you mind if I have my idea back? Cheers.
Also, stop dreaming of tequila - just do it.
Only if you come and drink the tequila with me... it should be a shared experience ;)
And no, you can't have your idea back... it's mine now :P
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