
its cold season again

achooI feel like crap...

I don't know if I was due to come down with my annual ongoing cold about now or not, or if it's specifically because I didn't have a lot of sleep last night and so I was vulnerable to those sneaky cold germs... but I started feeling all ick this morning and it's kind of been downhill from there. I'm sure the very cold and early mornings recently haven't helped a lot either.

And as with the initial part of any cold, my brain has stopped functioning on most of the higher levels, so I'm finding it reasonably hard to concentrate on making any actual sense.

But instead of attempting to tough it out I went straight to the chemist at lunchtime and had the nice lady recommend something. Normally I would have just gone with what I usually go with, but I had the whole brain thing and she was all "we need to treat the symptoms", so I was just all docile and agreeable.

Thinking about it now, that might have been a bad plan, because I'm not sure that my symptoms had actually finished forming as at lunchtime. We'll see...

Okay, brain broken, going away now...

Current Mood:

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