
camera club agm

Tonight was the Camera Club Annual General Meeting... which is always fun... well... not FUN fun... but I get to talk a lot and give forth my opinions... so I always enjoy that.

There's never a huge turn out, which I suppose is par for the course with these things, people always want to have the good stuff without any actual responsibility... but I like to make sure my opinion is heard. And it usually is, coz, well, I'm loud and stuff.

My name should be pretty much all over the minutes for the meeting too, since I did a lot of moving and seconding, as you do at an AGM... not helped by the fact that the Club President has this habit of looking straight at me after he finishes saying something. Usually because of the previously mentioned opinions about things, plus I'm occasionally a smartass (but only when it's appropriate), and I sit up the front (you can cause more trouble that way... don't believe all this talk about the back row being better for causing trouble... unless you don't want anyone to know that's what you're doing).

I'm actually fairly tempted to join the committee next year... I could have put my name forward at the meeting, but the committee actually meets on the opposite Tuesday from Camera Club, albeit only once every couple of months and anyone who's been paying attention to my blog will know that the Tuesday that isn't Camera Club is Movie Night (mostly because Tuesdays are half price days at the movies)... so I'm conflicted. I am wondering though if I skip the workshops that come up on the fourth Tuesday of the month, we could still go to the same number of movies, just in a different order or something. I will have to talk to the Female Parental Unit about it tomorrow and see what she says... I'm pretty sure she'll be all Supporto-Gal... but I'm not sure what other things she does on the opposite Tuesdays...

Will have to muse on it some more I think...

After we were all finished with the AGM and putting forth ideas for Set Subject and Workshop topics for next year (I didn't do what I did last year when I presented the Club President with four pages of possible ideas I'd stolen from the DPChallenge website... I was only able to steal enough useful ideas for one page this year)... Cat, Mikey and I all went for coffee as we usually do after Camera Club meetings... it lets us bitch about other club members, chat about photography and cameras and stuff and just do the social thing, which is actually half the fun of going to Camera Club.

Anyway, one of the waiters at the cafe we go to, this semi-cute, semi-woggy, semi-chubby, semi-short and EXTREMELY gay waiter spoke to Cat while she was doing the cancer stick thing outside and while Mikey and I were ordering. Turns out he remembers us, or at least Cat, from either last week (when I wasn't there), or the week before (when I was). I don't know if he was just being "waiter-nice" or if he was trying a very roundabout way of making sure I noticed him, or what, but he was just kind of around for most of the night (not hard really, its not a small cafe, but its all one big room, and, well, it's his job), and made sure he said goodbye as we left and that he would see us next week (we had to inform him that unfortunately it would be at least two weeks... now that I think about it, it will actually be at least three, and I don't know that there will be anyone for me to go to coffee with that night)...

So, yeah... either he was just being nice and I'm reading too much into it, or he was cruising me in a really, really, really obtuse way... I'm going to go with the latter, since it's more flattering, and, well, a boy needs all the flattery he can get... even if I'm fairly certain it was the just being nice thing. Ah well...

I also submitted my entries for the Annual Exhibition... and emailed off my three entries for the Digital Competition this afternoon after getting a reminder email that go sent out to everyone... so now there is only the contest for November left for this year. Then we start all over again at the end of January...

Current Mood: fairly pleased with myself

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