
morning street art safari

Thanks to an early morning visitor (you know the kind I mean) and having to take a drive afterwards, I was showered, dressed and felt like being out of the house quite early... which lead to a Street Art Safari in Bowden and the CBD...

toy solider totem toy solider totem
It may also have given me an opportunity to release some more eyeBirds into the wild...

urban grey wires construction
And discover some more of Peter Drew's Forgotten Outlaws...

forgotten outlaws - william by peter drew lifecycle
sam evans mcsam forgotten outlaws - moira by peter drew
Discover fantastic new works... and finally be able to put a name to the artist...

unfinished green lady - morphett street bridge - seb humphreys bowden painted tree
See some urban faces...

no more pizza the tin man
And discover a couple of well chosen words that made me smile...

the dark room love at all times
Current Mood:


Arthur said...

G'day Yani, do you know who the artist is for the Green Lady and Green Man? I want to credit the shot I took


yani said...

Hi Arthur, that would be Order 55 (Seb Humphreys).