First up Ma was having her pre-Sydney haircut, so I was shopping solo today... which was fine, it just meant that I got to wander around the supermarket listening to the Penny Arcade D&D podcasts (yes, I'm still working my way through them) on my iPhone... which is slightly odd, I'll grant you, but very enjoyable.
I also discovered that they've finally started making Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee in the Stubby... cue Happy Yani!
Once I was finished I was in the process of texting Ma when she texted me... talk about timing!
Anyway, we met up here and after some "what are we doing" action, we decided to head off to the framing place where we've had some things framed before. I've had a toy soldier sketch that I commissioned sitting around since about the middle of February, and I figured it was about time that I got it framed up all nice.
Of course the one thing you never want to do is tell me that I can't do something design-wise... I can't have a black matt and a plain black frame? Really? Guess what I ended up with... yep, black on black. Technically I could have done a white matt, but in the end I think the black on black will really make it pop.
Granted, I have no idea where the hell I'm going to put it once it's framed...
I mentioned that I don't really need any more framed articles the other day, didn't I... I'm suggesting that this one doesn't count because I already had it, albeit sans frame.
Our next step was Ikea... mostly to take a look at the new stuff, pick up a new catalogue and find out exactly how much it will cost to deliver six flatpack bookcases to my house.
Turns out that it was a good plan, since the wider Billy bookcases have been reduced in price... and it seemed like it was only going to cost $67 for the entire collection. I kinda need to check up on that though... I know when I had my bed delivered (which technically was more than one piece) it only cost one lump sum, and I'm pretty sure they couldn't justify charging $67 delivery per bookcase... I just want to make sure.
All I need now is some way to get my four old bookcases down to the Reading Room project in the city...
Since we were in the general neighbourhood we decided to stop off at Harbour Town... which, again, turned out to be a very good plan.
Most of Harbour Town is wasted on both Ma and I... we only ever seem to buy things that are either footwear orientated or underwear related... and between the two of us we did both...
I bought a new pair of Bonds trackpants at halfprice, mostly because they're a particularly unattractive shade of blue (which I'm wearing as we speak), but I never leave the house in them, so who cares.
Sadly the Converse shop didn't happen to have any of the Jack Purcell leather laceless slip ons in my size... a size too small and a size far too large, but not mine. They did have some of the Dr Seuss Converse All Stars... and while I was very, very tempted to get the ones that look like they've been sketched in Seuss-style... but really, I'm 36 years old... I shouldn't be doing with Dr Seuss shoes...
Which is just as well since I just discovered you can build your own Converse shoe on their website... I think I might have to look into that!
Anyway, after being teased by shoes (while Ma bought new socks in preparation for our trip) we wandered around and towards the end of our wandering decided to go into one of the luggage stores, just to have a look around.

But there's nothing that will quite make up your mind like seeing good quality brands at low, low prices. Especially when that discount is 50%!
So say hello to my new suitcase, the 67cm silver Samsonite Bright Lite suitcase. It actually looks a little bit like a fridge on wheels with a handle, but it moves like a dream. Ma bought the same one in a particularly violent pink. We might not recognise mine instantly, but I don't think that there will be a lot of discussion about which suitcase is Ma's!
We were both under the impression that the new cases were actually bigger but Ma tells me they're exactly the same size... which is a little disappointing, since it would have been nice to have a little more space, but I've never really had that much of a problem with managing to cram all my required clothing into my suitcase.
The choices for eating are a little disappointing down at Harbour Town so we ended up going to Glenelg to the Orange Spot... while the majority of their food is great (particularly the lemon tart... gorgeous!), I have to say that they do make a fairly average sausage roll.
After we'd sat and watch the waves for a while and eaten our lunch we headed down to West Lakes which turned out to be the one part of the day which was a little bit pointless... if only because the Game store Ma wanted to look in no longer exists, and pretty much all I wanted to do was drool on the Lost box set in JB HiFi...
Add to that a brief detour into the city to one of the Morning Glory stores, and that was our very exhausting but productive and pleasing day...
Current Mood:

Okay, I'm officially jealous of you owning that suitcase. It's silver. It's meant to be mine!!! :P
If you behave, I might let you look at it when I come to Brisbane ;)
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