
photo friday: orange stamen

stamenThis photo seemed appropriate since I was watching the Day of the Triffids remake (which I have to say is actually dull and feels like every single other "disaster" movie/miniseries made in the last five years).

Sometimes I find looking at other people's photography by inspiring and depressing... and usually for the same reasons. Mostly because I wish I could/had taken the shots. 52 Suburbs is one of those photography blogs that does that to me, it is without doubt some of the most beautiful collections of urban photography I think I've seen. And I think it doubly gets to me because it's all about Sydney.

Have I mentioned that I'll be in Sydney in 10 days?

On a related note, what would be nice is if chauffeuring websites actually responded to their emails...

Other than that there wasn't a whole lot else to report.

Current Mood:

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