Anyway, thanks to my regular Saturday morning alarm going off an hour early (curse you iPhone update!), I had a brief OCD cleaning moment this morning (scrub the sink, scrub the sink) and also looted my collection of Sydney maps and brochures from the last trip and dug out some useful ones...
And I reiterate that our hotel is in a kickass location! Woot!
Also, in the "stating the obvious" column, we're going to Sydney in two weeks... Double woot!
Today's Supermarket Safari went pretty much the same as usual... blah blah, broccoli, blah blah, iced coffee, blah blah, risotto rice... not interesting, but functional...
We headed down to Marion (as I mentioned before) and things got a little DVD nuts... JB HiFi happened to have the REAL Avatar (The Last Airbender... the original cartoons, not the crap movie) DVDs out cheaply... all except the second disc of the first season... grrrr...
So I ended up asking the slightly dopey DVD section boy if they had any... I think he was new, since he really didn't know anything... but he was all cute and slightly socially dysfunctional like a big puppy, so he didn't annoy me. Turns out they had the missing disc at another store, so it went from "Hmmmm, maybe I'll buy these, let me carry them around and think about it" to "Oh, so I have one on hold somewhere, so I'm getting all the rest of these"...
Now I just need to find somewhere that sells blank multiple disc Amaray style cases...
It's no surprise that I've been looking around for a watch for a while now, but it came to the forefront in the last week or so since the winding pin came clean out of my most recent $20 watch... which was the replacement for when the pin came out of my previous $20 watch...

We stopped at Shiels briefly to look at watches, not with any particular plan, just general looking. The watches I'd seen a while back (and snapped with my iPhone) were all long gone, but there were a couple that were quite nice...
And then I noticed one were the face was flashing red (well, red to black etc).
Just then a nice saleswoman mugged us and I asked to see the flashing watch (actually I asked it it was flashing because of an alarm... but no, it's just a feature)... which turned out to look quite nice on my wrist. And it doesn't always flash... it can be black, it can be red or it can do the flashing thing.
I looked at a couple of other watches, but they were both a little large on my admittedly slender wrists (one of the few body parts I can say that about). But the Fossil Big-Tic Kaleido watch just kept drawing me back.
So I bought it!
And the lovely saleswoman gave me a 10% discount (because I asked, and they were having a big storewide sale on everything else, but that didn't include watches).
So, obviously this one should last much longer than the $20 versions...
Then there was more DVD looking/shopping... and I got a set of three Paul Newman movies for about half the price I've seen one of the movies... bargain! So even if the other two movies turn out to be rubbish, it's still worthwhile.
Now I know I started this post with discussion of The Gays being out in force, but haven't provided any evidence... but I was kind of saving it up for the couple who won the Big Gay Prize for the day...
You're a tall homosexual, you have should length purple hair... your boyfriend/casual sex partner/BFF/gimp is scowly, blonde and wearing too much eyeliner for a Saturday afternoon in the suburbs. You're shopping for Christmas decorations in Myer and you're carrying around three large baubles covered in large silver sequins. You totally win at Gay of the Day! Take a bow sir and collect your prize!
I'm just disappointed that he wasn't buying Christmas decorations in the same shade as his hair... because trust me, they were available!
Anyway... after we grabbed a quick numnum to eat we called it a day... apart from having to swing past a second JB store to pick up the other Avatar DVD... where I was slightly hassled by the dipshit security guard because the boy at the counter had given me a free copy of "Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide"... you know, from the OTHER Avatar (it's not the same thing ya dufus, or can you not give these things away to save yourselves?)... which I didn't even want (but it was free, so I'll take it).
Once we got home and Ma took herself off home, I went a little nuts in the Penny Arcade store... this having money thing, combined with the Aussie dollar being about on a par with the US dollar is a dangerous thing. As are "region free" DVDs...
Now I just need to work out what the hell I can have for dinner. I hate that it's never something I think about when we go shopping, so I never actually buy anything specifically for Saturday night dinner...
Current Mood:

*Checks hair colour* ... phew, I'm safe. :P
I did my bit of gaying Marion yesterday, but I went to JB on Rundle Mall. My hair might be nearing shoulder length, but I have no interest in Christmas decorations.
Adelaide really is a small place. Turns out the boy I spent the weekend with used to date your prize-winning gay.
That's very scary... But yes, Adelaide is very small, we only have room for two degrees of separation rather than the usual six :P
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