
small pre-travel shopping adventures

suitcasesIt happens every time I colour my hair, but I keep forgetting how short and blonde my hair is at the moment... when I catch sight of myself in something reflective it's still a surprise! But anyway...

We had a very short, sharp and to the point shopping adventure today...

Since we won't be around for the whole week there really didn't seem to be any point in doing a proper Supermarket Safari. We toyed with the idea of doing our own thing today, but Ma wanted to drop something off at the framing place when I picked up my toy soldier print.

And since I had to go pick up my dry-cleaning thanks to yesterday's haircut adventures, I told her not to come down until about 9... and I'd kind of planned that I'd go and grab some things from the North Adelaide Village before she came down.

But I got distracted with tidying up and by the time I was ready, Ma was already on her way, so I gave up the earlier plan and waited for her.

Turns out it was a good idea because we wandered around the supermarket and possibly spent as much money on little bits and pieces (small toothpaste, new blades for my razor, sun screen) to take away with us (as well as some other bit and pieces for the weekend) than we would have done if we'd done a proper shop.

And by the time we'd finished, got my dry-cleaning and come back here, it was about the same time that it would have been if we'd been to the regular supermarket.

Ah well...

Our next stop was the framing place, and as I mentioned I was very happy with the way that the toy soldier sketch turned out. But then we spent a good chunky of time trying to find something that worked for one of Ma's cross stitch pictures. It's a bit difficult when it's a wizard in a multicoloured robe... we eventually found something though.

From there we detoured off to Kmart since I wanted some new socks to take with me to Sydney... and some new underwear, which I don't really need, but looks like it's going to be very comfortable.

The final stop was Perryman's Bakery to grab some lunch (and spares besides) before coming back here...

And we were all done by noon pretty much!

So not a terribly interesting day all up, but a nice relaxing lead in to our holiday. Only two more sleeps now...

Current Mood:

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