
something of a shopping orgy saturday

i shop therefore i amOh sweet Mary McKillop... it's been a big fat shopping day...

A little scary too though... we're now teetering at the top of the long and slippery slope of Christmas... and I think we definitely slid a few feet down this week.

The Supermarket Safari was reasonably enough, mostly it seems to resolve itself into fruit and vegetables and stuff from the dairy case... with the occasional addition of other things.

A quick tour around Target netted me two new t-shirts, mostly because I was having issues with the one I was wearing... as well as a fortunate choice in "blind box" packaging...

Plus the boy with braces who served me was a little on the docile side, so I got to keep the coat hangers (always a bonus).

So after I'd unpacked everything and changed into one of my new t-shirts, we headed off into the city in search of a couple of random bits and pieces... but we stopped off at the bank to deposit my $1165 worth of coins (I only banked about half). It always amuses me to watch their faces when I just keep bringing bags of coins out of the bag I was using... it does tend to feel like they're just going to keep coming and never stop. But I think possibly dropping all that money into the bank influenced our trip into the city...

It turned into a little bit of a shopping orgy I have to say...

First stop was Spotlight, which is always dangerous, although for a change the fact that there is never anybody serving properly and the service you do get is essentially a bit shit worked in our favour, especially since they've started putting out Christmas related craft things... yep, a "Make your own felt toy" Toy Soldier... which could very well be a disaster waiting to happen. I also got what I originally went in there for, stackable plastic containers to store all my pendants in... it's getting a little bit beyond a joke now...

Of course, that let into our next destination, The Charm Shop... in essence that was supposed to be a "tyre kicking" visit... I wanted to see what they had in the way of octopus charms (I'm having a thing about octopuses at present... but sadly, the selection was fairly wanting)... but then we started looking at seahorse charms (and found one in the "surfing" section of all places), and toy soldiers and cameras... I'm pretty sure I've looked at the toy soldier one before, but baulked at the price... but I was buying Ma one and she was buying me one, so it all came out about the same in the end... well it would have, if when I said that the camera charm "could go on the list" (meaning I wasn't sure I really needed it, and was happy to pass on it even though I really liked it), Ma got that one too (birthday present, which is somewhat extreme in the forward planning department).

After a bit of a wander, and watching the very cute bouncy bouncy men who were wandering up and down the Mall (that really does look like the best contraption ever!), we wandered into Borders... and we got a little over excited...

Well, it wasn't our fault, they were selling things off... every CD in the store was marked down to $10 (or 4 for $30), and although they had mostly crap left (pretty much every Australian Idol artist who has ever released an album was featured in large quantities), there were a few bargains including the Watchmen soundtrack (which I'm listening to now) and a Will & Grace album (which could possibly end up being the gayest thing I've ever owned... up to and including the leopard print stretch pants I owned for a brief period of time).

Ma did end up buying a bunch of stuff for the Christmas Abyss, but mostly there was an awful lot of standing around looking at CDs, which is a lot more tiring than it sounds.

Given all the walking and standing and looking at stuff, we really needed a drink, so after helping one of the bouncy bouncy boys up (little bugger kept playing around and toppling over again, but he was cute, so I didn't mind so much) we went and got a Boost...

Fortunately it wasn't long until our car park ran out, so we headed off, stopping at the North Adelaide Village... and we went to pick up some things at the deli counter. Which sounds simple, but both Ma and I were buying things, and the woman serving us wasn't necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, but we were there for a very long time, what with cold meat, freshly sliced prosciutto, potato salad and Thai veggies, it felt like forever.

So by the time we got back here it was a whole world of "fall down, go boom"...

I am so very glad that it's a long weekend... and also glad that I have mini hot dogs and potato salad for dinner tonight... and then some pashmak and berries for dessert...

Current Mood:

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