Okay, maybe not messing with me per say... but this didn't seem like a "normal" Friday...
On the upside, I decided to go with my scarlet shirt and jeans combo again... so at least I felt somewhat stylish... plus it was a nice tie in, this being Red Nose Day and all... okay, maybe a tenuous one, but the red foam nose I bought at lunch (since it was the only thing left in the shop) is pretty much the same colour as my shirt, maybe a little brighter...
It also seemed like the theme for today was "Running Across Roads"... I only caught the early bus this morning by dashing across the road before the little red man stopped flashing... and just about every other time I've had to cross a road today it's ended up involving me running...
I decided to skip breakfast at home (which is partially why I ended up on the early bus) so I could go into Boost Juice and grab an "Oats So Good" hottie... which I did... but unlike the last time I had one, this one was much thicker for some reason... so it ended up being like trying to eat/drink porrige out of a cup... without a spoon either... still tasty, but a strange experience. And one that was made slightly stranger because I ended up having a protracted conversation about website information architecture and department structure and hierarcy while I was attempting to eat/drink it. Weird...
She Who Must Be Theoretically Obeyed was back at work after having been off sick for the last few days... and whether it was just my whole overeagerness to possibly get some direction in what was going on on my last day or what, I dunno... but I was feeling remarkably Tigger-eske (at least on the inside) for much of the day... very Bouncy. Maybe it was just Last Dayitis... added to the knowledge that I will be able to sleep in, go walking AFTER the sun has come up, cook some big complicated meal for dinner and generally lounge about come Monday. Actually the Tigger thing and the "Running Across Roads" thing could be connected... hmmmm...
Then we all (most of the wider team) went out for the farewell Morning Tea for the woman who is also leaving today... we went off-site and everything... and it wasn't anywhere near as painful as I thought it possibly could have been. I just sat back and enjoyed my Mocha Latte and Banana Bread (mmmmmm Banana Bread) and nodded and smiled as appropriate. I did realise about halfway through that the last time I was in that particular Bean Bar was my farewell from the land of Online Services... not only was it the same place we went, we actually sat in the exact same location up the back of the cafe. Scary!
I did have a nice chat with the Heap Big Section Chief outside the cafe before we headed back, and she said nice things to me essentially. She said that she had enjoyed having me around the place and that if they could get me back again later for some developments on another website project (the one that I've been tinkering around with in addition to the main one I was working on) then they would. See... once they've had me in for a while, they like it and want to have me again.
The exact opposite to my sex life really... *grin*
Although it did start me thinking about something. I know I'm not a people person... in fact, my rallying cry in Online Services used to be "I don't do people!"... but "people" doesn't seem to include the people I'm actually working with/for... at least not unless they're highly annoying... I'm fine with them (as HBSC reinforced), it's just everyone who ISN'T them that bugs me. Interesting...
Anyway because we did the whole coffee and food thing mid morning, I really didn't feel like going to lunch about half an hour after we got back... so I had a late lunch and decided that today was definitely the day to satiate the craving I've been having for a couple of days for a ham, cheese and tomato toasted sandwich... plus my last Hot Choconana from Booost for a while (although I may have to take Ma into a Boost some time this weekend and get her to try one).
Having worked in the same building for the last hundred billion years, you end up going to pretty much every possible food outlet at least once or twice... some more than others... and the place I went for my HCT is one I used to frequent most mornings (at least before I got addicted to the Boostness) in previous work related incarnations. And since it was after the noon rush the place was pretty much deserted. But it still threw me when the woman who was serving me (and who owns the place I think) said "You've lost a lot of weight haven't you?"... even if I'm not sure the term "lot of" is quite right... but then I'm not really looking at myself from the outside. Plus my shirt isn't tucked into anything today, so I'm sure I have a slimmer silhouette today than I would normally have when I'm working.
It's still nice to hear though...
Then I went off to get my last Choconana *faux sob*, and the perky little girl tried to tell me that I couldn't have my vibe discount off it... ummmmmm, 'scuse me? I've been getting the discount off it pretty much every day this week... in fact I got a discount off a different product in the same range just this morning... so WHATTHE? But no, she was adamant, even went out the back to check with the boss... so I just thought that was weird, but be that as it may... whatever... just give me my drink.
While I was waiting, the boss comes out and says that it turns out Perky was confused or asked her the wrong question or some such... but indeed the Vibe discount DOES come off the Hotties... well DUR! And she happily gave me a refund... weird, weird, weird...
The afternoon was fairly uneventful... well, other than the deleting of the emails and the moving/deleting other random files... then cleaning out my browser cache and history... basically returning both my workstation and my computer at large to the state it was in when I first walked through the door two months ago. I did leave my security card with the Admin Girly so that if I do end up back with them (or just back in the building in general) I can use the same card again.
And that was pretty much that...
To be honest I don't feel much of anything either way... I haven't been there that long, so I'm not really sad that I've left or anything... and after I got past some of the initial hurdles and I knew what I was doing, it wasn't a pain to drag my butt into work every day... well, other than the bouts of Thumb Twiddling, that was a little dull.
I'm gunna miss the paycheque more than anything I think though...
Current Mood:

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