Not a whole lot of anything happened... well, stuff happened, but nothing particularly interesting.
I did discover that I've basically been overpaying for my daily bus ride by $8.40 a week. I buy a ticket every day... one into work and one home again, and I figured, since the total of the tickets was cheaper than a Multitrip ticket that I was doing okay. But it turns out that the type of ticket I buy, which covers two "sections", also comes in Multitrip form... which I didn't know... and instead of $22 a week, it should have been costing me $13.60... bugger, bugger, bugger...
So big thanks to Random Girly at work for pointing that one out, but big slaps because we had the conversation with four days to go before I stop working there, rather than, you know, two months ago when it would have been helpful.
Since I had to renew my internet connection today I made an interesting, if slightly annoying discovery. My ISP seems to have sent their billing call center to some offshore location (most likely India)... so instead of talking to someone less than 3km away to pay my bill, I was actually talking to someone over 9000km away... yeah, because that makes a whole lot of sense. Next time I'm going to have to make a note to pay by B-Pay instead... since they seem to be doing that now (they may have been doing it before, but I never noticed it). Stoopid international call centers...
It seemed like it might have been Old Homo Week at lunch today... while I was sitting in Subway eating lunch a guy I once had the Hot Sweaty Monkey Sex (no talking, just grunting and sweating and throwing bodies around) with wandered past. Time had not been kind to him...
Then, on my way back to the office, I happened to walk past Crow, in all his shaven, lumpy headed glory. I SO do not have a thing for that boy anymore... not even one tiny little bit. Thank god.
But I did have two minutes of "woe is me", especially when I realised MonkeySex Boy was on the other side of the street... not because I couldn't have either of them... more because life in general isn't... I dunno... going according to the grand universal plan or something I guess... but I pretty much got over that by the time I'd made it back up to work.
I'm also kind of banging my head on the desk at work, just because it's a whole world of "Slow slow slow slow FASTFASTFASTFAST slow slow slow"... not helped today because She Who Must Be Theoretically Obeyed was off sick today, so whatever last minute changes and random discussions we might have had about the website didn't happen. I just hope that she's in tomorrow, since I only have until Friday to finish this thing (somehow I think Friday might be a very busy day... at least in spots).
And added to that is the fact that the other group that I'm doing some work for don't seem to understand the concept a PDF file... specifically that they can't generally be edited... so if you want me to make those very minor and seemingly pointless changes to that document, then you better give me the ORIGINAL document, let me make the changes there... THEN we can turn it into a PDF again... *sigh*
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