
rated r baby

I lifted this one from Real Euphoria... although he only managed a G rating...

What's My Blog Rated? From Mingle2 - Online Dating

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
hell (5x), gay (4x), kill (2x), bomb (1x)

Current Mood:


j said...

Yay! I got a PG-13 rating: gay (4x) dead (2x) punch (1x)

Sunshine said...

Oh my - you're the kind of boy my mother warned me about!! Come to think of it, she doesn't want me to be with ANY boy!! :P

yani said...

Says the boy with the X Rated blog... :P

Sunshine said...

It's not X rated - it's NC17. :P

yani said...

Semantics... You're still one step higher than me up the obscene ranking :P