
i said it was a true story

codralThank god for Codral!

Seriously, I'm only four tablets along and already I feel like a person again.

Okay, it could be a coincidence and I might have been feeling like this anyway, but I kinda doubt it.

Other than the getting of the betterness, today was kind of an exercise in adventures that didn't quite work out the way we'd expected...

The Regular Shopping Thing™ went off okay, and I picked up a couple of cheap DVD's (The Covenant, Evil Under The Sun, The Trouble With Harry) and a new long sleeved teeshirt (since all my "winter" tops from last year are kind of like wearing small tents) at Red Circle.

And when we came back here we had a look through the "Things to do" folder and decided we would go and check out this cool portrait exhibition in Norwood. And because we thought we knew were it was, we didn't take the address with us...

Big mistake, I know...

Although, when I look at the article we saw it in, it doesn't actually have the address of the place, just the name and the suburb (not terribly helpful)... anyway, when we got to the place that we thought was the place it was, it obviously wasn't the right place, but we went in and had a look at the stuff in that gallery instead, which killed about ten minutes or so, then decided to stop off at another gallery/cafe place... but that looked too crowded, so we didn't bother...

Then we went off to Unley to take a look at this place selling designer cupcakes (damn you Andrew, you got me all worked up about cupcakes now), but we got distracted along the way by the Haighs Factory, and more specifically, the Haighs "Visitor's Centre"... so there went another quarter of an hour...

After the chocolate spending spree we finally found the cupcake place, Just Tickled Pink... oh lordy it's a world of pink and fru-fru, and a lot smaller than I expected... on the plus side, their lemon cupcake is amazing...

Because we'd seen a sign advertising a book sale at the Showgrounds, we decided to take the backstreet route from Unley to Wayville... which is doable... but, to be honest, we might have been better off just going back to the main road and following that along...

And luckily, unlike my trip last week, we managed to find a parking space out on the street, because when we looked in at both the type of people, and the type of merchandise that they all seemed to be selling, it wasn't so much of a book sale as it seemed to be some sort of heavy metal convention... so we didn't bother going in (we might have if there hadn't been a $5 entry fee)...

Then when we got back here, I was going to check my email, but my computer seemed to have frozen up... so I rebooted it... at which point it gave me a strange and unusual message about what "mode" I wanted to open the system in... after which it started loading Windows and then went to a black screen and stayed there... so, as you can imagine, I had a very slight thermonuclear meltdown... I tried hitting the reset button again... I tried unplugging it and starting over, I tried everything... and it just kept getting to a certain point, and then stopping... I kept having visions of having to reboot the whole system, deleting everything and starting from scratch... so I was not a happy little Vegemite and gave up for a while... but after maybe fifteen minutes of watching one of my new DVDs, I came back in here, armed with my official Windows CD, determined to make the damn thing work. I plugged the CPU back in, inserted the CD and just left it alone and let it do it's thing... and eventually it sorted itself out and loaded. I don't know if it was the CD, or just leaving it alone, or what, but I'm just happy it worked, especially with all my "tech support" friends either MIA or on the other side of the planet.

So, yeah... that was about it really... not terribly exciting, but thus is my life... and to quote a favourite teevee show... "I said it was a true story, I didn't say it was interesting"... *grin*

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

It could be an impending sign that your PC is sick too...Quick! Make sure you backup all you stuffs before it's too late!

Tom said...

I think you're going to have to start having little mood icons for your PC as well as for you. :P