I had spoken to Ma about maybe going to this year's Expo yesterday, but with one thing and another I changed my mind. And then when I woke up this morning I thought to myself "Well, there's no reason you can't go today, just take a look around"... and seeing as I was organised just before 10 (which was when it started) I figured what the hell.
If I'd been paying attention to the signs the Universe was throwing at me along the way then maybe I might have just turned around and come home, but for whatever reason I didn't really think about it until later. First my Pink CD wouldn't play in my car stereo... I'm guessing it's scratched or beat up or something, since it only ever gets played in the car and the underside of the disc does look like hell... hopefully if I give it a swipe with one of those "disc repair" cloth things it might help.
Then, when I got to the Showgrounds the car ahead of me pulled into what looked like a big parking space on the street (which meant it would have been free), but she didn't pull up to where I assumed to end of the park was, so I was just kind of sitting there waiting, and then she got out of her car and came over to me. Turns out the spot in front of her was actually the driveway for the (closed) store she was parked in front of and she didn't want to risk parking across it. Which I fully understood, I might have had the same thought if it had been me. So I ended up parking inside the Showgrounds which cost me $5... so I already felt like I was behind the eightball...
Once I got in the door I headed over to where the two women who do the "Angel and Guide" portraits were last year (thinking they would probably be in the same place again), since that was the main reason I wanted to go again. And they were in the exact same place, the only thing that I'd forgotten is that the session itself (including the portrait and a reading) costs $75... so that kind of stopped me in my tracks... I don't remember what I thought it had cost (and if I'd gone back and read the post from last year it would have told me exactly how much they were), and while I probably could have justified it, I didn't... not with all the things I still need to get Ma for her birthday...
So instead I just went for a random wander around the place. I ended up finding a crystal suncatcher/string/thing with a seahorse at the end of it, so that's getting added to Ma's present haul... as well as a funky little brass Ganesha (that is highly stylised and probably unidentifiable as Ganesha unless you know that's what it is, but very funky) and a Chinese dragon for myself. But I kept coming back to the portrait booth... partly because I love watching the two women work and could quite happily have stood their all day watching... but I think the Universe at large was poking me quietly in that direction over and over.
But while I was doing my initial wander around, especially since there were a lot of the same stalls back again from last year, and a lot of them back in almost exactly the same place, I just had this really, really, really strong sense of missing J... stronger than I think I've ever had since he disappeared off to Melbourne originally... stronger than either of the times I've seen him off at the airport... although it did fade after a while, it was worst during the initial wander.
I will say that the longer I wandered around, the slower I ended up walking (which is rare for me, since I usually go everywhere at 500 kph), and just generally felt "better"... even more so after I stopped and had some Reiki done once again. And yet again I got that toasty warm feeling from top to toe (although they're now asking for a gold coin donation, whereas in previous years it's been completely free... but then if I was giving up my weekend to pump energy into total strangers, I might want a gold coin donation too). While I was sitting there I suddenly had a revelation that I'd tucked a $50 note I'd had left at the end of my first payweek into one of the compartments of my wallet as "emergency" money... but I couldn't remember if I'd tucked a second one in the following week or not... but it was possible that I had $100 "emergency" money on me... and if I did, it was more than enough to cover the cost of getting a portrait and reading done. Of course, these things being what they are, it turns out I hadn't squirrelled away the extra $50, so I took that as a sign and just left it alone.
The other thing that was interesting is that while I was watching my favourite of the two women work I realised (eventually) that she was actually doing three readings for the same guy (at a cost of $225)... but more than that, the guy in question looked awfully familiar. I couldn't help wondering if he was the same guy that I'd seen getting a portrait done the year before... but figured what were the odds of that.
Anyway, after he was done with his three sessions I was still standing there as they were working out the money (which, uncharacteristically for me, I'd been adding up in my head a couple of moments before) and she was having trouble working out what 3 x $75... she got as far as $150, but for whatever reason was having trouble getting to $225... and I said very quietly, pretty much to myself given the amount of noise going on around us, "Two twenty five", and a couple of seconds later she looked up, straight at me and we just locked eyes for a moment before I told said, loud enough for her to hear me this time, "Two twenty five"...
Which then meant that I had an opening and an opportunity to have a brief chat with her before her next appointment got there. And yes, as it turns out the guy who's readings she had just been doing WAS the same guy that I saw last year... she said that he and his wife have multiple readings done each year... this year he'd had three and the wife had had two.
I guess in a way I was kind of "auditioning" her... seeing if she seemed "right" (although I think I'd already come to that conclusion last year)... and I have to say, the longer I did stand there at various points throughout the day, the more I tuned into the way she worked and the more I liked what I saw. She doesn't ask leading questions, in fact, the reading that I saw right from start to finish, she didn't start off saying very much of anything at all... she just asked if the girl had ever had one of the portraits done before and then went straight into picking stuff up on her before she gave her a brief reading and then went straight into the drawing. How much of what she picked up was correct I couldn't tell you. But I will definitely be going along next year, on the Saturday, and getting a reading/portrait done.
Current Mood:

I know nothing about that sort of thing so sorry if this is a completely dumb question... but why would someone get 3 readings done? Surely if they were any good you could make do with just one, or is it to cover all bases so that one of the three turns out to be right? *confused*
No, it's not a dumb question... to be honest though I don't actually know the right answer in this particular instance... it could be that he was asking three different questions (which you can do)... I do know that the first reading he got done was about his "higher self", but I'm not sure about the other two, although all three were very different "portraits" once they were done (I put portraits in quotes because only one of them was the "usual" type of portrait that she was doing with everyone else... the other two images were slightly more abstracted).
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