
ten by five meme

I'm sure I've answered some of these questions in a million billion different ways in various other memes but I can never go past stealing a good meme from Tom...

5 snacks I enjoy...
  1. Corn chips
  2. Pringles
  3. Just about anything chocolate
  4. Crasins
  5. Green seedless grapes (in summer I snack on them like they're going out of style)
5 songs I know all the words to...
  1. If - Janet Jackson
  2. Middle of the Hill - Josh Pyke
  3. Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) - Pink
  4. Rock This Party - Bob Sinclair & Cutee B
  5. LDN - Lily Allen
5 things I would do with $100 million...
  1. Build my dream inner city apartment (maybe here in Adelaide, or maybe Melbourne or Sydney)
  2. Buy/build Ma a new house/apartment closer to me (if I were to stay in Adelaide that is) and a new car
  3. Go on a Grand World Tour (okay, not the whole world, but all the places I wanna go)
  4. Buy all the appropriate and some of the inappropriate Big Boy Toys I could ever need
  5. Invest 10, give Ma 10, give my cousin 5
5 locations I would love to run away to...
  1. San Francisco
  2. Venice
  3. Melbourne
  4. London
  5. Paris
5 bad habits I have...
  1. Procrastination
  2. Buying things I don't necessarily need
  3. Sniffing instead of blowing
  4. Goofing off
  5. Having a short temper
5 things I like doing...
  1. Cooking
  2. Taking photos
  3. Shopping
  4. Fudging around on the internet
  5. Going to the movies
5 things I would never wear...
  1. Ugg boots... no way, never, no how, not happening
  2. One of those big puffy nylon hip-hop type jackets
  3. Any kind of AFL paraphernalia, including the shorts
  4. Leather pants (they're just not me)
  5. European style tank top (hate the shoulder straps)
5 TV shows that I like...
  1. The West Wing
  2. House
  3. Lost
  4. Heroes
  5. Veronica Mars (come back Veronica, I miss you)
5 biggest joys of the moment...
  1. Payday
  2. Boost Juice's Hot Choconana
  3. Leafing through Loving Brian last night
  4. Planning to make gingerbread men
5 favourite toys...
  1. Mobile
  2. Digital camera (although I'm not using it nearly as much as I was)
  3. My computer in general
  4. Photoshop
  5. DVD player

5 next victims...
  1. You
  2. You
  3. You
  4. You
  5. You (yes, I stole that idea from Tom, but then I stole the whole damn meme from Tom)

Current Mood:

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