And yes... that is a legless, gutted, toy monkey impaled on a fence...
Lemme explain...
Yesterday, during the home straight of my walk, I took a detour off to the shops, since I needed some bread to top this beef stew thing that I made for dinner (it came out okay, not great, and not worth posting the recipe, but it was okay), so since I was there, I grabbed a Famers Union Iced Coffee at the supermarket and then got a fresh Continental Baguette (ie French Stick) from Baker's Delight, then wandered home again, taking the same shortcut that I take when I'm on my way home from Camera Club...
On a brief side note, it was really cool wandering home like that at 8 am, carrying incredibly fresh bread (which ended up being used for breakfast, lunch AND as the topping for dinner) and an Iced Coffee on a cloudy if pleasantly warm morning... I can't explain it, it was just one of those moments when you take a deep breath and think everything is just right with the world.
But back to Fence Monkey... as I wandered past the front of the church compound where Camera Club meetings are held, I noticed this little guy impaled on the fence... and I just had to take a shot of him... I'd love to know what the story was... he's obviously been violated (his legs are gone, although his tail remains intact), but he's obviously a little trouper, because he's still smiling...
And, that building to the right of him, where you can just see the map on the wall... that's were we have Camera Club meetings.
I have to say that seeing Fence Monkey actually reminded me of the Little Bear Lost shot TheOtherAndrew did a while back...
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I love the random things I come across when wandering the city. I've never found a legless stuffed monkey but, there's a first time for everything.
That is horrible! I wonder if it was a do it yourself puppet attempt...
Aww - it's oh so cute. Look at that smile on his face! :)
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