And worse than that, when they send people who's English isn't clear...
Indian call centers are one thing... Indian doorknockers, that's something else altogether.
I just had one on my doorstep... from the gas company, wanting to tell me about what would happen if my elecricity billing came through them... only he wasn't explaining himself all that well and I couldn't hear everything he was saying because of his accent... so I just said "what is it you're offering?", and when he said it was combining the bills I just told him I wasn't interested and closed the door on him.
I'm really glad I saw him headed towards my door before he got a phonecall and diverted away again, that way I was able to stand out there and wait for him and didn't actually have to get up to answer the door.
Grrrr... it's just so rude... look, if you want to offer me something, send me all the details in a letter... something I can read, review and then discard if I'm not interested (which I won't be)... don't send people to my house... I'm never going to say yes to them, or even care what it is they want to tell me... I've been caught with that crap too many times.
Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, the Pink album rocks!
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